Nagoya Aichi Area

English Teacher for Children (Nagoya area)

時給 2,000円~2,600円

Part Time: up to 15,000 yen / day, or up to 2,600 yen/ hour (can start from one day / week)
アクセス 3 minutes away on foot from Sakae station.

No experience: OK | Transportation paid | Students welcome | Weekends only: OK | Homemakers: OK | Second job: OK | 1-2 days/week: OK | Long term employment | Promotion possible 

BE studio is looking for teachers who have a great passion for working with children.

If you enjoy having fun with children, BE studio may be a good place for you.

2600 Income [detail=Detail [incomeForm=IncomeForm [type=時給, workingTime=WorkingTime [workingSegment=WorkingSegment [unit=WorkingSegmentUnit [value=null], minutes=WorkingMinutesPerSegment [value=null]]]], baseIncome=BaseIncome [range=WageRange [type=RANGE, from=Wage [value=2000], to=Wage [value=2600]]], conditionalIncomeList=ConditionalIncomeList [incomes=[]], overtimeIncome=jp.rhp.model.job.income.overtimeincome.OvertimeIncome@15dfce47], training=Training [income=TrainingIncome [incomeForm=IncomeForm [type=時給, workingTime=WorkingTime [workingSegment=WorkingSegment [unit=WorkingSegmentUnit [value=], minutes=WorkingMinutesPerSegment [value=null]]]], range=WageRange [type=FIXED, from=Wage [value=1000], to=Wage [value=null]]], period=TrainingPeriod [number=TrainingPeriodNumber [value=6], unit=TrainingPeriodUnit [type=TrainingPeriodUnitType [value=MONTH], name=TrainingPeriodUnitName [value=ヶ月]], differAccordingToProficiency=DifferAccordingToProficiency [value=true]], existence=TrainingExistence [value=false], overtimeIncome=jp.rhp.model.job.income.overtimeincome.OvertimeIncome@102eccd2], note=Note [value=Part Time: up to 15,000 yen / day, or up to 2,600 yen/ hour (can start from one day / week)]]



IP Instructors have set weekly classes (40-60 min lessons,
up to 8 students/class) to teach students from mainly 1-12
years old. This is our most common position available,
and it is best suited for those who want to teach the same
students and encourage their long-term development.
Why BE studio 1
・Children focused program: fun work environment
・Ownership: depending on the program, you will have a
fixed schedule, supporting the same groups of students all
year long.
・Work hours: Lessons normally end around 18:00-19:00*.
Why BE studio 2
・Professional development:workshops available every
month, assigned trainer and / or mentor per teacher.
・Exciting events: e.g. English concerts welcome thousands
of students to sing, dance, and have a great time, summer
English camps etc.・Bilingual HQ staff members
Job Description1
・Prepare for the lessons (set up the classroom, review
lesson plans, clean up materials)
・Deliver 40 or 60 minute group lessons (maximum of 8
students / class)
Job Description2
・Work together with school staff to provide high quality
lessonsand customer service.
・Deliver special lessons and participate in seasonal
events・All lesson plans will be provided and related
materials will be ready at each school location.


・English Conversation School ・International Pre-School Operation


勤務曜日・時間 Work hours: lessons are generally
between 10:00-18:30*
Work days: mainly Tuesday to Saturday.
*work schedules may vary according to
the classroom
*some classrooms have Monday classes.
Annual assessment and contract renewal
are conducted between February and April
every year.
資格 Japanese Level None
English Level Native(native-level)
・culturally sensitive, professional,
and have excellent communication skills
・passionate about teaching children
(mainly students under 12 years old)
・can easily build a rapport with young
students and their families
・CURRENTLY living in Japan, have
permission to work and can attend
interviews in Nagoya.
勤務地 Nagoya, Aichi Pref. /
Ichinomiya, Aichi Pref. /
Konan, Aichi Pref. /
Gifu,Gifu Pref. /


応募方法 If you wish to apply for any position, press the "Apply" button below.
応募後のプロセス Only the candidates who pass the initial screening will be contacted within two weeks by the recruitment team

Nagoya Aichi Area

情報更新日: 2024-10-08