Kanto Area: Saitama / Chiba / Tokyo / Kanagawa

English Teacher for Children - Tokyo and surrounding area

月給 24万円~27万5,000円

研修中 時給 1,170円 (研修期間 38 時間 )
アクセス Kanto

275000 Income [detail=Detail [incomeForm=IncomeForm [type=月給, workingTime=WorkingTime [workingSegment=WorkingSegment [unit=WorkingSegmentUnit [value=null], minutes=WorkingMinutesPerSegment [value=null]]]], baseIncome=BaseIncome [range=WageRange [type=RANGE, from=Wage [value=240000], to=Wage [value=275000]]], conditionalIncomeList=ConditionalIncomeList [incomes=[]], overtimeIncome=jp.rhp.model.job.income.overtimeincome.OvertimeIncome@688fe006], training=Training [income=TrainingIncome [incomeForm=IncomeForm [type=時給, workingTime=WorkingTime [workingSegment=WorkingSegment [unit=WorkingSegmentUnit [value=], minutes=WorkingMinutesPerSegment [value=null]]]], range=WageRange [type=FIXED, from=Wage [value=1170], to=Wage [value=null]]], period=TrainingPeriod [number=TrainingPeriodNumber [value=38], unit=TrainingPeriodUnit [type=TrainingPeriodUnitType [value=HOUR], name=TrainingPeriodUnitName [value=時間]], differAccordingToProficiency=DifferAccordingToProficiency [value=false]], existence=TrainingExistence [value=true], overtimeIncome=jp.rhp.model.job.income.overtimeincome.OvertimeIncome@6cb72089], note=Note [value=]]



- Prepare for the lessons (materials, review lesson plans,
clean up materials)
- Deliver 40 or 60 minute group lessons
(maximum of 8 students / class)
- Work together with school staff




勤務曜日・時間 Work hours: 35 hours / week
Work hours: 7 work hours / day*.
Lessons usually end around 18:30-19:30*

- Full Time A: up to 250,000 yen/month
(Saturday + 4 week days)

・ Full Time B: up to 275,000 yen/month
(Saturday and Sunday + 3 week days)
資格 English level: Native
Cover letter: Required
Residence: People living in Japan
Experience teaching English in Japan
Passion for teaching children
Permission to work in Japan (visa)
Team Player: can work well with others
Visa Sponsorship: Not available


Kanto Area: Saitama / Chiba / Tokyo / Kanagawa

情報更新日: 2024-10-22